What To Do When You’re In The Messy Middle

courageous confidence joy + mindfulness

Life transitions can be lonely, and uncomfortable.

The middle can feel REALLY messy. If you find yourself here, know that you’re not alone!

I’ve been in the messy middle more times than I’d like to count!

In full transparency, there are times when I feel alone, and wonder if I’m doing the right thing. Most of the time I feel vulnerable and there are times when I feel judged.

During these times, I find it helpful to reconnect with my intention. I put faith in myself and my mission and continue to leap into the unknown calling in my angels and guides for support along the way.

When the path gets dark and things feel murky, I connect deeply within, give myself space to meditate + journal and ask for guidance and support.

If you’re in transit, know that you are not alone. It will get better. Where are you being asked to trust?

On the other side, just beyond all of the discomfort is the shift. Where everything comes back into focus and things make more sense.

You will get there. And when you do, the uncomfortable in-between will be meaningful. As for right now? Breathe. And then breathe some more.

You don’t always have to keep it together. You’re allowed to feel it. Whatever “it” might be. Even if it’s dark in there. The darkness is where we gather up our courage to step into the light.

You are incredible and stronger than you know. Things will come back into focus.

For now, keep it simple. Give yourself room to just BE.

Can you hear the whisper of your heart? It’s asking you to reconnect and trust…

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