5 Gratitude Prompts To Brighten Your Week


Gratitude is the EASIEST way to feel good. It allows us to bring our mind to the present moment while raising the vibration by bringing our positive experiences and emotions into focus.

I've experienced AND witnessed incredible results with a simple practice of appreciation. I created The Daily Joy Journal™ with this in mind.

Want to develop a more positive outlook? Focus on what IS working in your life. Count your blessings and watch them expand. Commit to listing 5 things you're grateful for daily. Even if you've heard it before, or done it before, I invite you to use it as a regular practice this week and notice how it makes you feel.

If you find it challenging to come up with a list, here are some prompts:

Write about:

  • something that made you smile or laugh,
  • a recent learning experience,
  • a person in your life,
  • a time you were able to help another person,
  • someone who did something nice for you,
  • a recent accomplishment, or
  • one of my go-to’s – breath! I’m always thankful for breath and life!

That's it, that's all!

Want support with your gratitude practice? Grab a copy of The Daily Joy Journal™ and start working toward your Joy-Based Goals.

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