4 Ways To Prepare For A Joyful Holiday Season
Do you ever find yourself caught up in conflict you know deep down you could have avoided?
As we head into the holidays now is the perfect opportunity to set intentions for experiences you can walk away feeling good about.
The truth is, holiday season isn’t always a hallmark card experience for everyone. Often it can bring up grief, stress and overwhelm. It really is the season to ask “what would love do” and meet others with as much compassion as we can muster.
Here are 4 Tips to help you enjoy this holiday season:
- Set your intentions. Be clear about the experience you want to have! Brownie points if you Invite loved ones to share their intentions with you.
- Know and share your boundaries (and triggers) with others.
- Should a stressful situation arise, sit with the feelings, honour them and allow them to pass. Get clear on the outcome you want. Then take inspired action.
- My last tidbit of advice. MEDITATE! Take time each day to come back home to you, your heart, your breath and ground yourself before heading out and about checking things off your naughty and nice list;)
T’is the season to be mindful rather than acting from a hurt, angry, or triggered place.
If you want a helpful tool and part of my regular practice, grab a copy of The Daily Joy Journal.
If you’d like some additional support with flow and Divine Trust, I’ve got a mini-training for that! It’s $20 and packed with guided prompts to support you in surrendering and experiencing more EASE and FLOW!
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