What Joy is NOT
It’s time for some truth talk when it comes to Joy.
As much as we may want to bypass discomfort, this is not what Joy is about.
Joy is not just the bright shiny stuff. Joy is about honouring ALL of the feelings - not just the good ones. I know it sucks. But trust me when I say you will appreciate it down the road!
I’d love to share a personal celebration with you…
On September 23rd I celebrated my 8th year of sobriety by running the Melissa’s Road Race with my family. Although I’ve been doing strength training and cleaning up my sugar habit, I wasn’t running as much as I wanted to. I decided to show up and have fun and I’m still shocked to say I ran my first 5k from start to finish. It truly felt like a miracle – Run Jillian Run!! :)
I was filled with emotion most of the race. Tears of gratitude streamed down my face. I could feel the cycles of suffering, addiction and dependency breaking. In real time! Choosing life. Choosing freedom. Choosing wellness and soul JOY.
8 years ago my weekends looked a lot different…To spend the day fully feeling was overwhelming and AWESOME.
This is why I’m here teaching what I teach. The shadows aren’t here to hurt or harm us. They are here to show us where to hold a bigger vision for ourselves. I look back at all of the suffering and can say I am truly thankful for this path — for the shadows that have made the light I get to experience, and share, so magical.
When I reflect on my training for the race, the truth is I didn’t enjoy it. And I kept showing up! The making of a true Joy Warrior is about honouring our feelings while embracing the courage to move through the discomfort and get to the other side. On repeat. This is where the growth happens.
As we feel our feelings and allow them to wash over while continuing to move forward, we build self-trust and powerful sturdiness within. This gives us the ability to meet life on life’s terms.
Joy is not an ideal state that exists in a magical bubble. It is the experience we have through the ups and downs of life. Joy is who you are by nature. Honouring both the light and shadows is how we access true Joy.
May you give yourself room to be exactly who you are and have the courage to feel your feelings while you unfold your dreams and desires.
Our dreams and goals require us to take inspired action. Joy takes practice and work. Feeling good takes work! What is your desired experience this season? What are you willing to do to make it happen?
Meet the universe halfway and watch the magic unfold.
If you feel like you are climbing a mountain in your life right now, know that it’s okay to take breaks. Tend to yourself while moving through the resistance.
Each day check in with one thing you can do to set yourself up to feel a little bit better tomorrow. This alone can move mountains.
Believing in you and cheering you on,
Xj Jillian
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