The 90-Second Shift: Turn Stress Into Peace With Inspired Action

healthy mindset the practice of joy

If you want to experience more peace in your life, when you find yourself in a stressful or triggering situation, the invitation is to take a moment and PAUSE!

As a recovered people-pleaser and after many years of getting caught up in unnecessary drama, I can guarantee that reacting from a triggered place is not going to get you to where you want to be.

So how do we shift this unhelpful behaviour into a helpful one? Inspired action, instead of reaction.

The next time you encounter an uncomfortable feeling, rather than blowing up or reacting to it, what if you transform it instead?

Here's how:

  • Take 90 seconds (set a timer!) and allow the feelings to move through you like a wave.
  • During this time get curious and ask the feeling what it’s here to show you. Our emotions are messengers. Many of us are so disconnected from our feelings that we cannot use them as our guides. This gets to change NOW
  • There are no good or bad feelings. ALL of our feelings are valuable and when we can allow them to flow through us we get to experience the peace we are seeking.
  • Once you’ve honoured the feelings, take time to look at your thoughts. What are the quality of your thoughts? Are they true or helpful?
  • What do you want instead? Shift the thoughts toward this! Your thoughts have power and this will open up the possibilities.
  • Choose an inspired and aligned action that supports the outcome you desire.

From a place of non-reaction lives so much opportunity for self-awareness and expansion.

If this feels helpful and you want to dive deeper, grab this helpful guide which will introduce you to The Joy Method™ and walk you through a 7 step process to begin aligning with Joy and feel better NOW!

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