It's Okay to Fuck Up: What Most People Don't Share About Their Success

courageous confidence life purpose

It's okay if you f*ck up and fall and stumble.

It's okay to be imperfect.

It's okay to make mistakes.

It's okay to be human.

After all, we are all spiritual beings having a human experience...

Let us remember this and bring more compassion to the table. For ourselves and to others.

May we see that everyone is doing their best.

The more critical we are of others, the more critical we are of ourselves. 

How do you handle it when others f*ck up? As you invite in compassion for them, you invite in more for yourself.

The same goes for ourselves! When we start to let up on ourselves, we can then also give space to others and realize that there is so much room for all of us to grow. 

I believe that is one of our main purposes in this life. To learn and grow...

I have made countless "mistakes" in my role as a Joy Leader. And while none of them were comfortable, I always took away new lessons I could apply forward.

This is what my experience with addiction taught me. How to invite in compassion, atone for my mistakes and move on with the wisdom I have gained. 

Where did you learn your biggest lessons? I'm willing to bet it was through the fuckups. I know mine were;)

May we own up to our missteps, release guilt + shame and move forward with the wisdom we've gained.

A wise woman once told me: "There is no such thing as failure when you're failing up" I know this to be true. And let me tell you, I have failed up  A LOT! I think this is partially why I love teaching so much. So people can take my learnings without needing to experience the suffering. 

This is the beauty of learning from others. We get to glean their lessons! 

As a human doing my best to BE in my business, in my life, in my relationships, I release the need to be perfect and celebrate my courage to show up and try. 

If you struggle with the fear of failure know that every successful person does too. The people you look up to aren’t perfect, they are just brave enough to take the next best step. 

Keep taking the next best steps and trust that there is no such thing as failure if you are learning.

Reach out if you want support with sharing your light with the world. 

Always cheering you on!



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