Reconnecting With Your Childhood Dreams: It's Never Too Late!


 I often encourage people to dream. Dream as big as you possibly can!

If you’re not sure where to start, think back to when you were younger. Remember the things you used to dream about? Were they wild, far-fetched, and a little out there? (As they should be!)

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a vet, and I desperately wanted horses. But like so many of us, as I got older, those dreams began to fade into the background. Life happened, and my attention shifted. I grew away from these things…

Reconnecting to my childhood dreams

Recently I went to visit my friend Dayna at The Parsons Rescue.While I was there, I felt this rush of nostalgia and Joy as I remembered my love for horses. It hit me that my childhood dreams are absolutely more than possible — they just needed a little attention. If we tend to our dreams as adults, they are still absolutely within reach!

Time to Tap Into Your Inner Dreamer

As we grow up and start adulting it’s common to forget about our dreams. So today, I invite you to tap into your inner dreamer.

  • What did you used to dream of?
  • What is it you truly want?
  • What dreams did you leave behind as you grew into adulthood?
  • How would it feel to give yourself the room to explore them again?
  • What’s one inspired action to honour it and create positive momentum toward it?

Also, where are you living out your dreams without even realizing it? Let’s celebrate that!

Our ability to dream makes the thing we desire even more possible, my friend. If you can, sit in meditation and connect with the dreams of your childhood. They may be buried, but I believe they are not lost.

Cheering you on Joy Beam!

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